Adding Tracks To The "Playback" Feature On The Marshall Gateway iPhone App


While using the Marshall Gateway App on my iPhone 7 or SE (I'm assuming this happens on other iPhone models as well),  the "Playback" page automatically defaults to "Apple Music" when I want to add tracks to jam to with my Code 50 amplifier. 

My question for Marshall Support is: Can you make the iPhone Gateway App allow selections of tracks from locations other than "Apple Music" on the "Playback" page?

It would be great to be able to select tracks from my other files like "One Drive" or "Files".  Your competitors like the Boss GT-1 and the Spark 40 allow tracks to be added from ANY location when using their jam-along features. Limiting your choice to "Apple Music" really limits the jam-along experience on your app.

Thank you for considering making this useful update to your iPhone app.

asked 20 Jul 2021 at 12:07 AM

Kevin Towns (35)
Answers: 2


Better to go to the stock background tunes and listen to them there

answered 15 Sep 2021 at 05:06 AM

Claire Davies
Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure what you mean by "stock background tunes." I know I can listen to anything and jam along with it. I just thought it would be nice to be able to load my own tracks from wherever they may be and jam along with them in the Marshall Gateway app instead of having to use another app to do so. - Kevin Towns 15 Sep 2021 at 07:11 PM


You mean the background royalty-free free soundtracks. However, if your activity involves media space or the use of materials for commercial (or any other) benefit, it is worth exploring the issue of licensing and lawful use of content. P.s. Yes, I know what you mean. I just don't really understand this topic, as a music expert I am not very good at it. Usually, I refer to royal free music ? which is available to every user. As a lawyer, I gave my opinion, even a question (inquired). I'm not very good at this sort of thing, but I would appreciate all feedback.

edited 21 Sep 2021 at 11:34 PM

Agoll Neritan

answered 15 Sep 2021 at 05:07 AM

Agoll Neritan
I'm talking about jamming along with a music track. I'm not going to make and sell a record with it!!! Besides that, what if I want to use my own drum beats and bass lines to jam along with? These files are not located within "Apple Music." I am asking Marshall Support to make their Marshall Gateway app "Playback" feature more useful by allowing music tracks to be added to the "Playback" feature from file locations other than "Apple Music" which it defaults to now with no other options being displayed. - Kevin Towns 15 Sep 2021 at 07:11 PM
I appreciate your comments. I'm not asking Marshall to do anything illegal. If you have the "Marshall Gateway" app on your iPhone connected to your "Code" series amplifier (in my case Code 50) and you select the "Playback" tab within the app, you'll see a screen that instructs you to "Tap To Load Track." When you tap on the screen you are automatically directed to your "Apple Music." There is no other option to load a track from other files in your phone. I'm asking Marshall Support to disable the default action of opening "Apple Music" when you want to load a track. I suggest using a "Browse" type option for the "Tap To Load Track" in the "Playback" feature. - Kevin Towns 22 Sep 2021 at 09:33 PM
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