Code 50, sound going LOUND When switching between presets.


When switching between presets, factory made and made by others - in the app the sound goes from low medium to max, up and down.. 

I use my amp on low in our living room, and its bad for my kids.. scary.


Also alot of fizz crackling when turning the master knob.  Common issue? Is there a fix? Sound jumping up and down.

When the sound is super loud i just touch the volume knob and it goes down in volume to where the volume knob actually is 


asked 18 Dec 2022 at 02:32 PM

Ole Markus Sandhåland
Answers: 2


Ole, there is one simple solution:

1. Switch to the preset you want to use.

2. Set VOLUME (not MASTER!!!) to desired level.

3. SAVE modified preset to your amp.

Do this with all factory presets... :-)

Greetings and Mary Christmas!

answered 19 Dec 2022 at 08:43 AM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (246)


OK, thanks for answering.

Common issue then? 

Volume knob should always be desired level on a preset, bug

answered 20 Dec 2022 at 10:51 AM

Ole Markus Sandhåland
I have a code 50. It is not really an “issue”, it is just that the Code 50 is an extremely (ridiculously) loud amp for 50 watts. I practice mostly at home. I have done what Jacek said for all every preset I store on my amp. Personally I make all my edits in the app. I almost never touch the physical knobs except the volumes. So i select the preset in the app, adjust Volume in the app down to “1”or sometimes less like “0.8” and then i have the physical Master volume knob on the amp set at between 1 and 2 and this is more than loud enough for living room playing.

If you do this, and then go and click on some other preset from the online library, it is going to be way too loud and scare your kids. So every time you go try some new preset for the first time, adjust the volume way down to 1 before you hit the strings. You don't have to save it, but just remember each time you use a new patch, volume down.

When I play with friends and need volume I turn the physical Master Volume knob up and this is usually loud enough even with the preset volumes all set at “1”. When I have played out and needed to be really loud I had to adjust the presets volumes all up and save them,

The reality is 95% of the time I do not need an amp this loud. The downside is it is a pain to adjust all the presets. The upside is that you can adjust them down and still have excellent tone. Other amps if you turn the volume down to bedroom level and they fizz out and sound awful. The beauty of the Code is you can do this, and you can adjust the crap out of everything. Marshall could have made it a hell of a lot easier to learn how to do it, and I wish they had not totally changed how the app and gateway works. But overall I love this amp and once you figure it out it is extremely adaptable.
- Tom Joyce 13 Jan 2023 at 12:14 PM
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