Presence and Resonance no longer working on my DSL40CR


I purchased my DSL40CR in Sept 2020. Its never left my bedroom, never been played particularly loud and (unfortunately) I have not had a lot of time to use it.  The presence and resonance originally worked when I received the amp but now turning either of these two knobs has no effect.

Also there has always been an occasional, infrequent, weak 'crackle' noise.  Is this a tube problem or is this normal for this amp?

Is there an 'easy' fix, like swapping tubes?  Is that something I can do myself?

Please let me know what my options are.




edited 16 Jan 2023 at 06:59 PM

Dean Mumme

asked 16 Jan 2023 at 06:45 PM

Dean Mumme
Answers: 1


Hi Dean,

We would always recommend the amp is looked at by an engineer.


Marshall Support

answered 17 Jan 2023 at 08:38 AM

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