CODE Gateway Current Version IOS 2023


Hi, I had a marshall code, dsl 1w, 15w and 40w. I liked of 1w, much loud! I sold all and I have been used a app amplitube with iphone and ipad + irig nano amp, but I figure out in the worst way about update versions, It just stops working after the update. A nice day, and you cant play anymore on analogic gear. 

Now Id like a all in gear and the better for me now its the Code 25.  Even without the app I can handle the amp manually. Although, be convenient. 

Whats the current version suportted for code today? My IPAD 9th  is 16.5, IPHONE 7 is 13.  Is it works? 




asked 23 May 2023 at 05:56 PM

andre bessler
Answers: 1


Hi Andre,

Your phone and your Tablet will be supported by the gateway app, you will be fine to use this.


Marshall Support

answered 24 May 2023 at 08:47 AM

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