Marshall Gateway App on iPad via USB



I have a Marshall CODE50 combo, and when i connect it to my iPad via cable, the input and the output works well in applications developed by Apple (like Garage Band), but I can't control of my amplifier settings in Marshall Gateway app. Is there any way to control the combo on the iPad through the cable?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

asked 25 Aug 2023 at 11:08 AM

Grzegorz Ambrozewicz
Short answer: No. Long answer: You can only have one Bluetooth connection going to the Code 50 amp. You have to disconnect the cable from your Ipad in order to control your amp via the app on your Ipad. Or run the Gateway app on another device like your phone. Make sure all your other devices that use Bluetooth have it turned off or are out of range and not trying to connect. As an example, you could control your Code 50 via the Gateway app with your phone while you have the Ipad connected to your amp via the cable. But you would have to turn the Bluetooth off on the Ipad first. - Kevin Towns 04 Sep 2023 at 05:31 AM
Answers: 1


Can you not just connect to the amp through the gateway amp via bluetooth as usual while still connected to audio over the USB?

answered 27 Aug 2023 at 11:52 AM

Joliet Jake (127)
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