Marshall Code Firmware isn't compatible with MacBook Pro OSX 14.2.1


What can I do? The firmware update stopped at 97% and the Marshall Code no longer works! Unfortunately there is no correct help on the community! I've tried all of Marshall's suggestions, but Marshall Code still doesn't work! Marshall Code and Mac is not compatible. Can anyone really help? Marshall's software engineers definitely can't do it. I call that; big shit!

asked 12 Mar 2024 at 02:44 PM

Andreas Schneider
FALSE. Code and Mac are fine and are quite compatible. I've been using both and updating it without issues. Did you factory reset and try the update again?
To perform a factory reset on your Marshall CODE 25/50 amplifier and return it to the factory settings, you will need to power off the amplifier first. Once it is powered of, press and hold the "AMP" button while powering on the amp. Once you see the confirmation screen on the display saying "Presets reset", press and hold the "STORE" button to confirm the factory reset. You can press any other button to cancel the operation.
- Richard Stackon 03 Apr 2024 at 08:06 PM
Answers: 1


Hi Andreas,

Please contact, and a member of the team will be in contact.


Marshall Support

answered 14 Mar 2024 at 02:58 PM

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