Volume and balance levels CODE 100H. Rhythm guitar and lead guitar in the same preset. PEDL-91009


Continuing with the topic of balance and volume levels for rhythm guitar and lead guitar in the same song using foot controller PEDL-91009. I understand that the best recommendation is, for example, in the same bank like Bank A1, to have preset 1 for rhythm guitar and preset 2 for the lead guitar solo? It's just very difficult for me to build everything in the same preset with balanced volume levels. I would like to find practical lessons (videos, YouTube) on this topic, examples of building presets with different volumes for the same song. I hope you can suggest a variety of information. I am a guitarist in a live band, and when it's time for the solo, I don't know how to solve the problem. I tried using a booster pedal, but depending on the gain of the amplifier, I can notice that the booster doesn't have any effect. I am very lost on this topic and with controlling the Code 100H in this aspect. Thank for your suggestions and help.

asked 03 May 2024 at 07:53 AM

xavi Fernández Gaya
Answers: 1


There is nothing like "Bank A1" in the footswitch. It can be Bank A, position 1. You can't save two different presets in the same position. Create new preset which is suitable for rythm guitar and save it in the amp. Then create another preset for solo and again save it to the amp as a different preset, of course. Then assign rythm preset to Bank A, position 1 in your footswitch. Assign your solo preset to Bank A, position 2 in your footswitch.

Using booster BEFORE effect chain when playing with any distortion or OD effects will not change the volume, but will work if you connect it to the effect loop.

answered 04 May 2024 at 06:04 AM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (246)
Thanks Jacek. Sorry to bother you again. Could you send me some configuration examples for a rhythm guitar with gain and slightly distorted with chorus, and another example for when it's time for the solo where I can activate that preset and clearly notice the volume increase? It would be example for A1 (rithm guitar) and A2 (solos)??. Where does the change and difference between the internal values of the two presets lie? Based on your example, which will be very helpful, I will be able to configure my settings for my band's songs when playing live, to know which preset is suitable for solos (because the volume is higher) and which preset works for rhythm, arpeggiated, or accompaniment guitar(lower volume). I know it's difficult, but if you send me a small outline, I can experiment with your suggestions. I'll leave you my email in case it's easier for you to connect with me. I would greatly appreciate this help, as I'm finding it impossible to play live with the Code 100 H and be confident in the parts of the song that are rhythm guitar and the parts where there's a solo that should stand out from the rest of the band.

Email: xavi.classof99@gmail.com
- xavi Fernández Gaya 27 May 2024 at 12:25 PM
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