CODE 50 Froze


Recently updated the firmware for my code 50 and it stopped short of complete firmware installation when I received a pop-up to restart the installation. The amp is stuck at ready to update but now the firmware won't install again. Tried a factory reset but now the amp will say USB not connected...until I reconnect....then it will read... ready for update. Itried on Mac IOS Sonoma 14.5 with Crome 126.0.6478.57, PC windows 10  with Crome 126.0.6478.57 and the issue remains. Which won't update anymore or resume where it left off. Can I get the original firmware or another way to factory reset? Buttons doesn´t  work.

asked 13 Jun 2024 at 02:27 PM

Ariel Gonzalez
I have the issue with my Code100 - Joel Barboza 18 Jul 2024 at 01:56 PM
Answers: 2


bring it back to the place you bought it

answered 20 Jul 2024 at 03:11 AM

Joe B


Make sure you are using a mini USB cable, not a charging cable.  Update only with a Windows PC.

answered 04 Sep 2024 at 07:49 PM

Ignacio González (19)
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