Connecting to a laptop via bluetooth


I connected my Code 50 to my laptop via bluetooth, but the my.marshall presets says "CODE not connected". I tried connecting via USB, but the amp has a goofy connector that standard USB cables do not connect to. Also - I can connect via the Gateway app on my phone, but the presets I add to My Library do not show up (even though it says that they have synced). 

asked 11 Jun 2018 at 10:11 PM

Tom Appelbaum
Answers: 2


Ok, I hope it helps:

1. presets/gateway pages use USB connection and can't use bluetooth.

2. You should use standard Mini USB cable or adapter, which is not so popular these days, (it is bigger than Micro USB, as you can see), but it's a standard interface for many devices. Maybe Mini USB was chosen because it looked more sturdy than Micro USB (however, according to the specs, Micro USB is more reliable than Mini).

3. About sync - touch the icon in bottom left corner of the app to switch between your library and the amp.



answered 12 Jun 2018 at 09:06 AM

ilya macle0d (6)
Thanks - I ordered a cable to hook up to my laptop. Once I'm able to save the presets, hopefully they will show up on my Gateway App. - Tom Appelbaum 12 Jun 2018 at 08:00 PM


I used the model, lenovo310, and I bought a new USB (2)port, but when I connected the USB to my laptop, it is showing some error like it is not properly connected check it, and connect again, I tried it with my pc, it support , but for the laptop time it is showing error, why showing this error, and how I can get rid of this problem, please suggest me on Canon printer technical support

answered 14 Jun 2018 at 04:02 PM

nick patel
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