Backing tracks


Hi everyone . I’m very new to amps, always played acoustic . I just recently bought the Marshal Code 25 . I printed off the operating manual . My question is I have a iPhone, iPad and a laptop . I want to play backing tracks through my amp so I can practice . I’m confused on how to connect to the amp . Do I need a special cable, and is the cable going to be a different one if I use my laptop ? And on the amp where is the best connection to use , I’m aware of the headphones plug guitar plug , which is best to play backing tracks through . Thanks very much .

asked 26 Jul 2018 at 01:01 PM

Carlton Hinote
Answers: 1


The most simple way to connect any of your devices to Marshall is a cable like this:

Connect the headphone output socket to your amp socket shown on the picture below.

iPhone and iPad can be also connected via bluetooth. This procedure is described HERE.

answered 26 Jul 2018 at 02:27 PM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (259)
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