When are you going to update the firmware to fix bluetooth issue?


Hi Marshall,

The last firmware update broke the bluetooth autoconnection issue and it has been more than a year and a half and you never updated it. Last firmware update was at Oct 2017, so I made a decision, I posted my Marshall Code 25 on Marketplace so I hope I can get rid of it and get an amp that works properly or at least works as advertised.

I hope you fix the bluetooth issue before you loose more customers. I think I will never buy a Marshall product again.

asked 15 May 2019 at 07:48 PM

Julio Guerrero (1)
I connected with my iPad and iPhone today. - William Jones 15 May 2019 at 11:56 PM
hmmm. I connected my IPhones as well many times but had to pair and reconnect each and every time after switching off that amp. Try Vox Air GT and you’ll see the difference. - Krzysztof Petyniak 17 May 2019 at 01:46 PM
Answers: 4


Hello Julio,


We are sorry to hear that you are thinking of selling your Code 25, but please be assured that the Bluetooth connection update is being worked on and our team are working really hard on the best solution and we look forward to releasing the update soon.


Kind Regards

Marshall Support

answered 16 May 2019 at 01:43 PM

I hope you're working on all the software aspects, including the web tool and the phone app. It's all a great first effort but it's still WAY to kludgy to share presets, create and modify them. Why do we all mostly depend on the marshallcode.tools website? That live editor is totally awesome. I think the Code product is terrific but there's no better way to lose your hardware customer base than to not properly support the software. - Daniel Stux 20 May 2019 at 11:05 AM
Will this “soon” be at least this decade? :D - Denis Moysienko 21 May 2019 at 03:08 AM


What type of phone are you using?  I know you have probably checked but make sure you have autoconnnect checked in your app settings.  i"ve switched phones twice in the last year and have never had an issue using the software or app.  Autoconnects up every time and even works on the tablet.   Software and apps have been nothing but stable for me since purchase.  Just curious.


answered 22 May 2019 at 07:16 PM

Jeff Smith (22)
Hi, I have iPhone and iPad and it happens the same on both devices, what firmware version do you have? it used to work good with the old version but when I updated to the newest one the auto connection feature did not work anymore. - Julio Guerrero 29 May 2019 at 10:26 PM


I recently changed to the newes IPad Pro and that frustrating failure continues. Shame on you Apple that yo don’t adjust your products to Marshall Amp requirements. 😜 But more shame on me that I trusted Marshall. Hopefully you guys enjoy another beatiful Milton Keynes morning. ☹️

answered 30 May 2019 at 06:36 AM

Krzysztof Petyniak (1)


Marshall finally released V1.43 of the Code Firmware.    My phone finally connects reliably over Bluetooth which is a plus.   It sounds like 3 different devices can now be paired too.    A little disapointing that no other presets or other functionality was added but at least this major issue was fixed albeit after a UNACCEPTABLE time frame.    I expect more from Marhshall.    

answered 14 Jun 2019 at 03:02 PM

Gary Hensley (5)
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