CODE range - updates/future hardware?


owned a code 25 for a while now but only really started using it during lockdown but have to say I'm really impressed. I'm just using it for living room playing and connected to my DAW as a way of laying down ideas but seriously, it's REALLY good.

For context, I've played guitar for 27 years and working in live music has been my primary source of income (pre lockdown....) for around 17 years. I'm usually a live-sound engineer and tour manager and occasionally fill in the gaps with some guitar-teching. I'm uk-based but have international clients, mostly guitar-based, playing mostly academy sized venues but have done major festivals worldwide and one short stint of an arena tour. The point here is not to blow my whistle, simply to say I've spent a lot of time being exposed to all manner of amps and modelling.

I own a line 6 helix and while the CODE isn't as flexible with regards to I/O, I genuinely feel like it's amp-modelling, especially for crunch, fuzzy or blown out tones, blows the Helix out of the water. Not that I'm as likely to use metal tones or had much cause to tweak them but I've noticed those kind of presets can sound a little thin. Also, higher gain sounds in general could benefit from a graphic EQ somewhere in the modelling chain, as it can be prone to squeak at frequencies usually outside of a regular amps range, presumably because of the full-range nature of the cab.

So, my query is, is there any chance that the CODE range is likely to get any substantial firmware updates or maybe 2nd generation hardware that could bring additional functionality/Pro level durability and a decent footswitch... I'm impressed that you've managed to get that much functionality out of a mono-jack but a few extra switches or even just midi connectivity for use with after market footswitched to access would open the amp right up.

Personally, I'd love to see one capable of more complex I/O routing i.e. the ability to record your dry input to DAW over usb and similarly, route from the DAW to the amp input for re-amping.

Midi I/O and an xlr input with phantom and a decent sounding pre would make it a nice little hub for a solo recording setup.

Anyway, great work Marshall/Softube, really hope you develop the line further.

asked 27 Oct 2020 at 02:41 PM

Jamie-Lee Warlow (1)
Answers: 2


Hi Jamie,

Thank you for your comments, the Code range will continue to get support and updates where needed, please keep a lookout on our support tab for updates.


Marshall Support

answered 03 Nov 2020 at 04:00 PM



Thanks for the reply. I mean, if nothing else, the ability to access a graphic EQ is kinda needed. As much as I'm enjoying the amp it does squeak and squeal at far lower volume and higher frequencies than you'd expect of a guitar amp.

answered 10 Nov 2020 at 08:56 PM

Jamie-Lee Warlow (1)
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