Code 25 NOT connecting, via bluetooth, to Gateway App on my Samsung S7


I bought a Code 25 for myself and my son. An older version of the app worked well but this latest udate is a complete joke ! I updated the firmware as well as the app a week ago and what a disaster!

I have spent hours and wasted energy trying to get the Gateway app and the CODE 25 to pair. I have followed every single piece of advice and  NOTHING works

For a company that makes quality products this has turned into a fricken disaster! There are so many complaints about the CODE 25 and 50 not pairing and it seesm that Marshall are doing diddly squat about sorting it out?? I am VERY pissed by the wasted time on this that I feel like throwing my CODE amp out the door into oncoming traffic!

Come on TEAM MARSHELL sort this problem out NOW... you are losing current customers and will lose future ones! 

PLEASE get back to us ASAP... it's becoming embarrasing for you!

edited 25 Feb 2017 at 12:58 PM

Stephen Henwood

asked 25 Feb 2017 at 12:55 PM

Stephen Henwood
Answers: 1


Hello Stephen,

I have replied to your email that you sent us directly. Hopefully after following the steps i provided you should be able to establish a connection.

As advised in the response, we have recently tested a number of devices including the Samsung S7 which we had no issues connecting after following the steps. Please let us know if this has worked for you.

Team Marshall

answered 27 Feb 2017 at 09:25 AM

It would be useful if the steps sent to Stephen were distributed to the whole community, I too had difficulty linking my phone (Sony Experia) - Craig Donnelly 07 Mar 2017 at 01:40 PM
Hi Craig,
the steps are -
close the app
delete it from your recently viewed app's
unpair with Bluetooth
turn the amp off

turn the amp back on
click on 'Rev and Power' on the amp and a blue light should start flashing
go back into your Bluetooth settings and pair with the amp
go into the app
on the left hand side of the app there should be a red tab that says connect
click on connect

Team Marshall
- Marshall Amplification 08 Mar 2017 at 09:16 AM
Guys, if you are using a device and an app for it, you should know how to do this stuff. so much stuff on this is not reading manuals and not being able to use the stuff you own.

Nobody, has picked up a guitar for the first time and been able to play like Slash (apart from Slash), you gotta learn about stuff.
- Alistair James 12 Mar 2017 at 06:06 PM
Alistair James,,dude,, your analogy is way off base. Maybe you should read the op before responding. - steve strano 02 Apr 2017 at 07:44 PM
Read the opening post steve. Still mean what i said, read the instructions and learn about stuff before using the thing. I had same issue but knew enough to do what was suggested first.

As for the analogy, what dont you like? Do you disagree that people should stop being lazy and learn about stuff they use or do you just not understand.....
- Alistair James 16 Apr 2017 at 03:20 PM
I've actually done that many times and it will connect on my S7 Edge for a short time and then disconnect again. It was working fine before the last phone upgrade to Android 7. However, I have seen many users of other devices including Apple who are having the same issues. The phone sees the amplifier and music can be streamed to the amplifier, but the Gateway app does not see the connection. This needs to be escalated to an app development team for resolution. - Gerald Joa 13 Jul 2017 at 10:05 PM
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