Suggestion for Gateway layout


Dear Marshall Team,

I have just recently got my code and thanks for this really nice amp. I got world class sounds for this low price and again.. thanks.

Gateway really makes me much happier and  I plan to bring it up to stage for small ocassion, without footswitch (not available in my country), with the help of gateway and no need to bring those heavy gears. But I realize that I can not switch from one to another setup in a short time while playing.

So in getaway, I would suggest to add one tab showing 4 buttons which is, in individual mode, bassically on off switch for prefx, mod, delay, and power. And other 2 buttons for bank up and bank down. 

So, if we have 100 preset then it can be grouped and stored into 25banks with four variation that can be selected from those 4 buttons.

Just like the layout of multi effect processor.

Emm... need a switch to select individual or bank mode... and square bright yellow and red lamps for each button.

Emm... and display to show the active bank and sub bank... like 24.2 (bank no.24 patch no.2).

Sorry if it sounds like asking too much.

Did I?





edited 14 Apr 2017 at 04:50 AM

Javen Roth (13)

asked 27 Mar 2017 at 09:18 AM

Javen Roth (13)
Hi Javin,

Thank you for the feedback, I will pass this to our team.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall
- Lee Tomlin 04 Apr 2017 at 03:36 PM
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