PEDL-91010 - 2-Way footswitch?!? WHERE IS IT??? CODE 100 has been released and 2-way switch was supposed to be available


Promises, promises ... "we'll fix it soon";  " bluetooth issues will be addressed in future firmware updates";  " USB recording issues will be looked into"; AND, a 2-way footswitch will be available for Code 25/50 users when Code 100 is released.  Am I alone in my disappointment for Marshall's seemingly apathetic (non) responses to purchasers of their "not ready for prime time" digital products?!?!?!   I really wanted a Marshall Amp after 45 years as a Fender user.  My mistake.  I should have known better.  Useless, unsupported, glitched, buggy, unreliable, etc., etc., etc.    What say you Marshall in an attempt to save any reputation you thought you had?!?!?!?

asked 05 Apr 2017 at 06:08 AM

S Fisher (6)

Thank you for your message.

There is a firmware update with fixes to USB recording, which have been sorted.

The 2 way Footswitch will be ready once Code 100 is out, there is a 4 way Footswitch out now for the 25/50

Kind Regards

Team Marshall
- Lee Tomlin 05 Apr 2017 at 08:18 AM
Marshall - The CODE 100 is OUT, where is the 2 way Footswitch for us 25/50 users?!?!?!? I guess our money isn't green enough... - S Fisher 18 May 2017 at 01:37 AM
Hi Steve,

The Code 100 is not out, and the Code 2 way Footswitch will be once the Code 100 is out on sale, at this time we have no date for that.


Team Marshall
- Lee Tomlin 18 May 2017 at 07:53 AM
Answers: 1


Yeah, I have the 50 and the f/s, Works Ok, just having probs w/updates on firmware, probably my comp, anyway I wish Marshall would of kept the hype down till everything was done and ready to ship and buy. Way to early to hype the products. 

answered 13 Apr 2017 at 11:23 PM

T Knute (10)
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