App can't control amp


Hello, Folks!
The Marshall Gateway app seems to be good, but it simply hasn't worked on my phone yet. I've got a Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime and I couldn't change the parameters on my Marshall Code 50. What can I do? I tried to send a song from my phone to the amp through Bluetooth connection and it worked fine.
Sincerely yours,
George Bacan

asked 25 Sep 2017 at 03:13 PM

George Bacan
Answers: 1



Not what you want to hear but I've had absolutely no issues with any of this (and I have 2 x CODE25's and 2 x CODE50's).  Only thing I've done immediately upon delivery of the amps. is update the firmware before even attempting to use them.  As I say: not had a single issue (neither with Bluetooth nor USB).

Maybe you could give an exact step-by-step rundown of exactly what you're doing and we can try help???




Hmmmnnn...  After looking through some other posts it would appear that you're not the only one.  Admittedly I've had no issues with an iPad and a Samsung Galaxy J1 i.e. don't have the "fancy" phones that you lot have!!!  LOL!!!  Somebody on another thread says it MAY be possible that it's an Android (update) that caused the problem.  Sorry.  I cannot be of any assistance here.  Possibly an Android problem or a further firmware update required (neither of which I can provide I'm afraid).


edited 28 Sep 2017 at 11:30 AM

Dale Paterson (105)

answered 28 Sep 2017 at 11:24 AM

Dale Paterson (105)
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