I've got a really ugly sound when I use my CODE 50 after minutes...


Hi there !

I've got a problem with my amp. I've bought  Marshall Code 50 about 6 months ago and I'm playing in a band. When I set the sound I like, there's no problem. But when I turn up the Master and I play for more than 20 minutes, the sound become very ugly: No dynamics, no bass, too high... It's like playing with a simulated amp on a computer with a very bad sound card... And I don't know why..

Is anyone has the same problem ?


Thanks a lot !

asked 28 Sep 2017 at 03:12 PM

Thomas Delneste (2)
I have experienced the same issue more than once and Ive only had my CODE 50 for about 3 weeks. - Mitchell Kara 22 Oct 2017 at 10:50 PM
Answers: 3


Hi Thomas,

It sounds like there is definantly an issue with the amp. I would recommend contacting our Marshall Rep in France and asking them to arrange an engineer to look at the amp. You can contact them on - GMARTIN@algam.net

Team Marshall

answered 29 Sep 2017 at 09:26 AM



Hi Thomas,

The sound quality should not be changing after a period of playing. How long have you had the amp and how long has this problem been occuring?

Team Marshall

answered 29 Sep 2017 at 08:35 AM



I've got this amp since February 2017, and I heard the probleme maybe on April. But I thought this was just my ears, after playing with a loud sound but it's not...

I found a another acoustic problem and I don't know if it is normal or not. When I'm playing in front of my amp I can hear a sweet sound with a lot of bass. but when I'm standing in front of my amp at a distance of maybe 5 meters, the sound is clearly différent with a lot of high and a few of middle and bass.  


So I think there is a really problem with my amp ! 

answered 29 Sep 2017 at 08:52 AM

Thomas Delneste (2)
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