CODE 25 Bluetooth problem


Hey Marshall,

I visited the dealer recently and tried another CODE 25 amp in the shop with the same latest FW version.
The same bluetooth behavior was observed (as described in many threads here, for example this ).
If you insist that it's a HW problem - please make an official statement that CODE 25 amps with serial numbers XX-XX have faulty Bluetooth Modules and you would like to recall/replace it. I think you can easily check your production and make a quality check on this case.

I think there are only few ways forward:

-  a FW update with a fix, promised a long time ago. Is it really so hard to rollback a piece of code, revert some changes from the latest FW update? 

- official recall, so that we just return it and get a 100% working unit instead.

- make the firmware code open source, so that we could fix it ourselves and make further improvements.


asked 17 Sep 2018 at 10:10 AM

ilya macle0d (6)
I suggest you post a specific question for this. :)
There's a big button "ASK A QUESTION".
- ilya macle0d 18 Sep 2018 at 10:28 AM
Tks! - Thiago Guilherme 18 Sep 2018 at 10:57 AM
Answers: 3


Hello Ilya,

We understand your concerns but for our technical team to look into each issue further we need some more information i.e the device you are using and which phone software. If you would like to give us this information we can then look into it further for you.

Please be advised that it is not possible to rollback the firmware as previous issues were fixed with the latest update. Our technicians are working on a update to help fix issues that some customers are having, time is being taken to ensure that there are no further issues.


Kind Regards

Marshall Support


answered 20 Sep 2018 at 11:11 AM

Hey Marshall,
thanks for you reply.
I have CODE 25, S/N V020168ABE.
Phone - Google Nexus 6P with Android 8.1.0.
Bluetooth is not started automatically (no blue LED) after the unit is turned ON, so the phone FW/SW is not relevant, actually.
REV+POWER should be pressed after each power OFF to initiate Bluetooth pairing.
After re-paring bluetooth connection is fine and works without issues... until the amp is powered OFF.

P.S. Somewhere in questions you wrote that the last update was mainly presets update.
- ilya macle0d 20 Sep 2018 at 04:44 PM


Hi Ilya,

Thank you for providing more information, the Bluetooth light should automatically come on after turning the amp back on, remembering its last paired connection, Bluetooth on the Mobile device should still be on and the blue light can take up to 2 minutes to find its pair device, have you followed the steps in our troubleshooting guide.

Marshall Support

answered 21 Sep 2018 at 07:49 AM

Hi Marshall.
the problem is that "Bluetooth is not started automatically (no blue LED) after the unit is turned ON". The same happens with another NEW amp in the store.
Unfortunately there's nothing in the troubleshhoting guide for this except rebooting the amp, which doesn't help.
- ilya macle0d 22 Sep 2018 at 05:34 PM
I confirm what Ilya was writing, I have exactly the same issue!!! And this is obviously a common flaw. The community would be grateful to receive any meaningful advice. We all know how to handle Bluetooth connections and how they are supposed to behave.

The matter of the fact is that whatever the device on the other end is my Code never reconnected! The only thing that helps is deleting the pairing and repair, which is not convenient at all,
- Alexander Fleischmann 22 Sep 2018 at 09:00 PM
Exactly! - Krzysztof Petyniak 23 Sep 2018 at 07:52 AM
We understand your frustration but please be assured that our team are working on a solution, for those experiencing this issue. To make sure we have the best possible outcome with no further issues the investigation may take a little longer then expected.

Kind Regards
Marshall Support
- JOANNA GREEN 24 Sep 2018 at 08:02 AM
So it is the same answer again, as in all bluetooth-related questions here... We understand, we are working, etc.
Have you checked you lately produced CODE amps if they have the same "bluetooth not started automatically" issue?
What's the behavior of the new amps? (If they are still being produced. Or the last produced ones.)
- ilya macle0d 26 Sep 2018 at 02:59 PM
So there are others with the bluetooth issue too. I posted a question to Marshall too, no answer so far. Their policy is probably "why bother, we are doing good"
It eould serm it is the firmware issue 1.41.
Besides that it looks like the BT signal is not too good either.
- Sam Johnson 05 Oct 2018 at 08:05 AM
Hi Sam,
Our team received your direct e-mail and will respond to you.
Kind Regards
Marshall Support
- JOANNA GREEN 05 Oct 2018 at 08:14 AM
Dear Marshall Team, the response to the issue is really an issue of common interest to Code 25 Users. Could you please give us an official statement what to do. We love the AMP but this bug is a serious flaw. - Alexander Fleischmann 05 Oct 2018 at 02:56 PM
Hello Alexander,
As we have previously commented our code team are working on an update, as soon as we have a release date we will let you know.
Kind Regards
Marshall Support
- JOANNA GREEN 08 Oct 2018 at 07:21 AM
Hi Marshall, 2 months have past since our last postings, any news? - Alexander Fleischmann 02 Dec 2018 at 11:40 PM
Hi Alexander,

Our team are still working on this, as this is only affecting some users, we need to make sure any updates do not affect the current working features of the Gateway app.

Marshall Support
- Lee Tomlin 03 Dec 2018 at 09:20 AM
"As this is only affecting some users, we need to make sure any updates do not affect the current working features of the Gateway app".
... so we have decided not to make any updates at all, that way we will not break anything.
And our team is still working on giving you such answers.
- ilya macle0d 03 Dec 2018 at 10:04 AM
Hi Ilya,

Thank you for your comments the team are working hard on a solution for those having issues, to avoid any further issues with the connection issue some users are having, the issue needs to be investigated further.

Marshall Support
- Lee Tomlin 03 Dec 2018 at 10:10 AM
I have checked the latest "Questions" and really there are more people affected than just "some".
Actually they say this problem appears after FW update to 1.41.
You say you can not recreate the issue - just take one of the lately produced AMPs and make sure that it has 1.41 firmware.
Then check if Bluetooth light is blinking after turning ON the AMP.
I would provide you with any support if one of your team members contacted me for this. Being a professional test engineer, I really want to help and solve this, but it requires both sides to work.
- ilya macle0d 03 Dec 2018 at 10:26 AM
Thank you Ilya for your very clear message to Marshall!
Let's hope that Marshall will try finally to show constructive approach and will stop spreading the "fake" message about just some unsatisfied users only.
I returned my faulty Code 25 to a dealer for repair and it was checked at Polish distributor which compared it with other Codes at stock and all of them showed the same problem with Bluetooth connection.
- Krzysztof Petyniak 03 Dec 2018 at 11:22 AM


Ordered the code 25 and with most .modeling amps some presets are good most need tweaking.

Can not get samsung note 9 to connect to amp after hours of trying and scouring the net for solutions.

Appears the app is needed to really get the potential out of the amp.

No problem solved soon , amp goes back for another non Marshall that is not acheadache.

Fix it quick



answered 31 Jan 2020 at 12:26 PM

Mike Chartres
Did you update the FW of the amp?
This issue was fixed for me with the latest FW.
- ilya macle0d 31 Jan 2020 at 12:45 PM
Just got how you do that - Mike Chartres 31 Jan 2020 at 11:52 PM
Figured it out and had newest fw
Also it allowed me to download and reinstall that current version
Still will not work
My blue tooth says audio for the code and phone appears to be using the code as a bluetooth speaker
- Mike Chartres 01 Feb 2020 at 03:49 AM
Mike, I don’t really understand your problem. To tweek the amp you of course need the app. Otherwise as you describe that amp just works as a BT speaker for your phone. - Alexander Fleischmann 01 Feb 2020 at 10:55 PM
With my phone would bot work at all except for bluetooth speaker
I didn't get the amp for that.
If the app doesnt work I'm not interested in the amp that's what helped sell it
- Mike Chartres 02 Feb 2020 at 03:53 AM
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