i experiance a lot of crackle at some presets whitch is extremly anoiying !
it seems to disapear when poweramps turned off
i read alot of CODE users experiance the same and if its a software bug can we expect a software update soon?
Gate Noise above 7 makes it beter but dusnt make it go away completly .even at low volume its there
like sayd.. turn of poweramp is the only thing wat makes it go away i not directly infront of the amp any anyway it makes no diference to the crackling and buzzing if i do i tryed.
differend cable,, guitar,, stil the same im using a 100 h whit cab not going to put that on a stale. i going to return the amp is e best option there its brand new and not wanna tweak for hours and hours to make it sound right. seems im not the only1 whit this problem or experiance this.
update ,,, tweaking
i noticed,,, forget about the 100 presets ,,(they suck for 95%) and starting from scratsh and a clean channel makes a lot of diference.
the amp can sound nice,, but its a lot of tweaking,,, shame Marshall didnt give the presets much atention it seems.. atleast thats my idea i ghess ,,cant emagine some1 from marshall amp devision sayd.. thats a plexi or a jubilee or what else.. but after tweaking from zero its comes somehowe to life,,, stil a litle crackle here and there but tweakable so to say,,, to much low end en gain on much of the stuff they programmed,, but again tweakable