every company who sells digital amp made some upgrade with more amp or efx or cabinet or upgrade a better firmware with better tones. you do nothing! I've asked you - almost one year ago -, by mail, if marshall was programming an upgrade and in your mail you answered yes..I think was untrue, it's the worst support I've ever seen in digital amplification.
Hello :
You are too agressive. I'am sure tha t you are paid by a competitor or work for him. Be cordial. You smile at the world and the world will smile right back to you.
Best regards
I am not aggressive, could be my english is not so good. I'm an italian lawyer so I don't think I work in music industry. So you are shure of the bad thing. My ask is a normal question in fact I am not the first person to ask about an upgrade in this forum . What I said it's true because I see my friends who have other devices to receive upgrades or they can buy packs of amp and effects. I like my Marshall code 100 combo but I think that it could also better. In every case you are not so good like Sherlock Holmes ...smile, it's a joke. Smile my friend.