Gateway software compatibility



  I was looking forward to using the Android app with my new amp but when I go to the Google Play store my device is telling me that the software version on the site isn't compatible with my device. I am running Android Marshmallow on a LG Escape 3 ( I looked it up and it appears that Marshmallow is beyond the kit kat OS. Is the processor on this phone too weak? Too little ram (I have a sd card installed in addition). Is there a compatibility list? Do I need to install a different OS version or possibly need a different version of the app?

  I'd love to be able to run this on my Windows 10 yoga thinkpad tablet... any news on whether a version for Windows is planned?  Anyway, thanks. If my phone can't run it I'd like to find something that can on the cheap, a list would be great if that's my only option.

asked 16 Nov 2016 at 04:21 AM

Todd Sweatfield
A Google Nexus & will run it, but keep it plugged into the power or it will suck the battery dry in less than an hour. - Chris Davies 28 Nov 2017 at 07:55 PM
Answers: 1


Hi Todd,

It could be a number of things some of which you have mentioned, could I ask you try the link below as a walkthrough and see if this helps.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall

answered 16 Nov 2016 at 08:54 AM

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