iOS 11 gateway problems?



I’ve used my Code 50 for the first time since updating my iPhone to iOS 11 today, and the Bluetooth connection is dropping every few seconds. I have to close the app, turn Bluetooth off and on and reopen the app. Then it drops again. I never had this problem before updating my iOS.

Has anyone else seen this? 

asked 30 Sep 2017 at 05:11 PM

Andy Lewis
Answers: 5


Hello Andy,

I have tested our iPhone 7 updated with IOS 11 and the Bluetooth connection appears fine. Do you have any other devices connected or close by that could be interferring with the signal?

Team Marshall

answered 05 Oct 2017 at 09:42 AM



Hey Andy.

I only just (today) updated (both) my iPad Air to IOS v11.0.2 and my CODE amps. to firmware rev. v1.41 and no problems at all (not with Bluetooth connectivity nor with the Marshall Gateway app.) (as a matter of fact: all seems much more responsive than before).  I do not, however, have an iPhone 7 (or any other iPhone for that matter but can confirm no problems with Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace Neo / Android).



answered 11 Oct 2017 at 07:38 PM

Dale Paterson (105)


Thanks for your answers. I think I found it- I have a WiFi repeater in the room I was in at the time, a few feet away from where the phone was. 

I haven’t had time to test the theory yet (by trying it again then switching the repeater off) but I’m pretty sure this is what it’ll be. 


Thanks again!

answered 11 Oct 2017 at 07:47 PM

Andy Lewis


Dale, the app seem to have stopped working. I use iPhone X running iOS 11.4. Can you please confirm?

Ron Sharma
Appvalley Tutuapp Tweakbox

edited 05 May 2018 at 06:36 PM

Ron Sharma

answered 03 May 2018 at 11:34 AM

Ron Sharma


Hey Ron.

As luck would have it: I just this morning updated my iPad Air 2 to iOS 11.3.1 and then saw your question.  Still no problems my side i.e. all still working perfectly.  I don't, however, have an iPhone of any type i.e. only the iPad.



answered 04 May 2018 at 07:18 PM

Dale Paterson (105)
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