New Firmware and Code 25


I am having problems with the new firmware on my code 25 and gateway app on an iPhone.  It used to work fine but now gateway is not connecting to the amp.

asked 18 Nov 2023 at 10:47 PM

Jaime Ramirez
It has been a while since the latest firmware update and all the problems that it caused. Another company would have taken responsibility for the problems, and it would have already produced a fixed. Marshall is not being helpful at all. - Jaime Ramirez 11 Mar 2024 at 10:03 PM
Answers: 1


Hi Jaime,

Please check the below to make sure you have permissions on,


From Android 12 - it requires the user to allow Bluetooth permission (called "Nearby devices") in order for the app to access Bluetooth. Without this permission Gateway will not be able to discover and connect to your CODE amp.

From Android 11 to Android 6 - it requires the user to allow Location permission and to enable Location Services to allow Gateway to discover your CODE amp.

Android 5 - it may require the user to enable Location Services to allow Gateway to discover your CODE amp.



From iOS 13 - it requires the user to allow Bluetooth permission in order for the app to access Bluetooth. Without this permission Gateway will not be able to discover and connect to your CODE amp.



Gateway app does not collect or use your location data at all. This is a requirement on early versions of Android operating system that any app that wants to discover any Bluetooth device, it needs Location permission and Location Services enabled. From Android 12, Location permission is not required and hence we do not request it. 



answered 14 Mar 2024 at 02:56 PM

I got cancelled on my original account for my comment about this issue. I tried all the things that were mentioned with no luck.
I see other people have the same issue and I don’t know why This company still has the failing firmware available
- Jaime Ram 07 May 2024 at 04:45 PM
I got cancelled on my original account for my comment about this issue. I tried all the things that were mentioned with no luck.
I see other people have the same issue and I don’t know why This company still has the failing firmware available
- Jaime Ram 07 May 2024 at 04:46 PM
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