playing last night and my amp suddenly got alot quieter lacking power in the power one position, I usually stay in 1 because my room isn"t very large, lov e love love this amp, but something has happened, I don't ever drive it too hard..please advise!
I'm trying to see the amp's specs, but this happens:
Can I get the official specs other way?
Thank you.
I have an Acton II and a Stanmore II Bluetooth speaker that I would like to couple together. I found this support article with a chart of which speaker should be able to couple, and these two are listed. ?
I can pair each of them to my iPhone, and also add them of them into the Marshall app, but after I choose one and select the option to couple the other speaker is not listed.
I found another question where the user was having problems with this process, and also tried following the suggestions there. However, each time I try both speakers never appear in the box to couple. I'm beginning to think I have misunderstood that chart in the support article. Does anyone know if I can couple these 2 speakers, and if so, how?
Infelizmente de uma hora pra outra ele fica mudo mas ligado... Já tentei atualizar, trocar de tomada e nada adianta... Alguém conseguiu resolver?
Meu code 50 não deixa acessar o bluetooth, não libera pra resetar de fabrica, não permite editar efeitos através do digital,único que permite acesso é o botão pre
I just bought a brand new Marshall code 50 amp for my guitar, but when I connect the cable to the input of the amp I have to push it in to work, one end of the cable needs a push so the amp connects to the guitar, but somehow the other end of the cable connects only if I hold it pushed in the amp, if I let go it disconnects. I use a Boston cable and I don't have that problem on my other amp (marshall mg15gfx). I did the last filmware updates and reset my amp 1 time. Since 1 end of the cable works, is it a big deal or can I just continue to use only the part of the cable that works? What should I do?
Hi there,
Could you tell me if there is a way to power the internal 16 ohm speaker on my DSL40 and simultaneously run an 8 ohm Marshall 212a? What outputs would the speakers need to be connected to?
Hello, I'm looking to see what year this amp was manufactured ? The serial # is S/A O8553K . I found it in a garage sale, and I can't figure it out when searching around. I believe it's 1977 or 1978. Thank you.
Wondering if the DI out of the silver jubilee is an emulated out, or is it a clean, dry signal? What about the send? I am wanting to record a unaltered signal from the jubilee and wondering which one is best to use for this.
How can I buy replacement 'handle bracket covers'
the 'black, plastic, rectangle, handle screw caps'
for the Marshal 10 watt MG10CF?
1) Is there a way to sharpen the pick attack tone when the amp is on Ultra Gain 2? It has a dull, muffled attack. I've increased the treble and presence but this is no true remedy. I keep the drive setting at 12:00-1:00 on UG2.
2) Is there a way to reduce the deep compression when the gain is increased on UD2? It's a shame I can't have more drive and sustain in this condition.
I love the tone of the amp but I'd like to clean it up.
Are the power (mains) transformer in the Studio JTM head and the Studio Vintage head the identical model transformer?
my code 50 cuts out while playing. this started happing last year when i got it. I did all the software updates and i can only play 5 minutes. I went on line research and dont see anything for this problem, do you think the amp is a defect, im not sure what to do next.
Hello everyone,
I was wondering....
How can I get the date of manufacture for an AVT 150 from the serial # on the amp?
Is there a separate serial # on the speaker attached to the amp (and another date of manufacture?)
Are there any free websites to look up either or both numbers?
If there are, can you please post a link or links?
Thank you.
I'm a bit frustrated. I love my Monitor II A.N.C headphones, but they suddenly broke over night. After recharching, the phones signaled low battery after short time of usage. Now the battery is loading for quite a while without getting the LED to white. As soon as I disconnect the headphones from the power cable, it doesn't respond at all. It's not possible to switch it on pushing the control knob. When plugged in, it sometimes starts but goes off immediately again.
I can only use it via audio cable connection but not via Bluetooth anymore.
The thing is, this is the second time I experienced such a malfunction. I bought my first Monitor II six years ago and it broke after three.
Now the second pair broke after three years as well. Is this really a ooincidence?
I tried a hardware reset of the headphones but that did not work either.
Has anyone of you experienced such a behavior as well?
I have sent this amp to you twice and the last time you said that the amplifier section was renewed.
Most of the problems were solved by this, however, it plays nicely in clean mode but when I press the switch to crunch then back it goes off.
Leaving the amp switched off for a fairly long period and then switching on, it comes back.
Is there anything that I could do to alleviate this as I don`t want to send it back for this if I don`t have to.
Bonsoir la team!
Je suis à la recherche d'une radio cd
qui pourrait envoyer le son sur ma Marshall Stanmore II .
Avez-vous une marque compatible svpđ ?
J'ai fait des recherches, mais je ne trouve rien đ...
Merci pour vos réponses đ!
Bonne soirée !
I just bought a Marshall DSL 100 and trying find acabinet suitable for the amp. Thanks.
Is there a Led Zeppelin preset for the Code 50 amp? If so, what is the number, or the settings? Thanks
My Marshall Code 100h's blutooth daughterboard has broken causing the amp to be unusable. Marshal advised after looking at it that they do not stock any replacements. Does anyone know where I might find a replacement board as the amp is now discontinued and cannot source a second-hand one anywhere?