I have a JCM 800 100 Watt Lead Series, Serial Number is S/A 17873R.
S/A was not use for 50 Watt ?
Hi, maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see anything that shows you how to upload a patch to the My Marshall website.
Would I be able to run 2xJVM 215C amps in stereo in 5 cable method ? I'm a little confused about the 2 x master volumes, I imagine that if I use one for my master volume (Master 1) I would adjust that to the same level on both amps and if I use the second master volume for solo level (Master 2) I would need to adjust that as well on the second (slave amp) as well as the master amp (the one with the preamp I'm using).
To access the solo boost on both amps I would send a midi PC command to both amps which would enable the Master 2 on each amp which would then be at the same level?
Would that be right please ?
I just received a new DSL100HR. When I turn it on I hear a constant 720hz ring directly from the amp.
It does not change when I move any knobs, have it plugged into my attenuator or speaker (16 ohms), or switch outlets. It happens on low, standby and high settings.
I found a YouTube video (You can hear the ring @1:12seconds) and he describes the same ringing but apparently that amp also had volume issues that mine (to the best of my knowledge) does not. The amp sounds good but I haven't played a Marshall before.
Should I be worried and return the amp?
YouTube link was necked but it it is titled "Marshall DSL100HR Keeps Blowing Fuses - Tales From The Repair Bench"
I have 3 registrations with the same top. If I remove one all disapear. I've emailed Marshalal about 2 months ago and received absolutely no reply. Anyone here having any ideas how to get it down to just one registration of my 1987x?
hola banda quiero saber cual es el programa de marshall con el que s epuede editar presets, a demaas de como ocuparlo como interface ,tengo el marshall code 50
I just bought a DSL-1H power amp head. I intend to use my old amp which is broken as a speaker but,
the speaker (Celestion G12M-70) is 4 ohms. So I have to change it to 16 ohms in order to be compatible
with the DLS1H.
1. What type of speaker would you recommend?
2. Otherwise, what marshall cabiet model for this small amp power ?
Thanks in avance
Regards Philippe (From France)
Hi there,
Could you tell me if there is a way to power the internal 16 ohm speaker on my DSL40 and simultaneously run an 8 ohm Marshall 212a? What outputs would the speakers need to be connected to?
I recently purchased a new Marshall ST20c combo amp. I absolutely love the amp. However, I purchased a Keeley reverb pedal (new) and decided to try it through the FX loop of the amp. I got no sound at all. Then I tried it through the front end of the amp and it works perfectly. Would I need to get this fixed under warranty or is there something I'm not doing correctly. I plugged the send from the amp to the input of the pedal and the return of the amp to the pedal's output. Please advise A.S.A.P.
Stephen Hubbard
Hello, I can't find a preset for playing Immortal band, can you succeed to create such a preset ? Let me know. Thank You !
Hallo Leute ich bin neuer besitzer einem Astoria Dual, hat jemand das Schematic von dem Amp?
so hätte ich alles zusammen. Danke .
Lieber Gruss Sandro
Hi, I just want to pass on that I just created a 60s Garage Rock fuzz sound like is heard on songs from the Nuggets box set etc. Just in case anybody is interested. Just look up "Garage Rock Fuzz".
On the CODE 100 - I mostly use preset 5 BUT would like to opy it to number 6 as well to make slight adjustments! Possible to copy a present to overwrite another?
If not is there an EASY way to see the settings of this number 5 preset so I can duplicate it?
Thanks ahead of time!
Hello! When I connect my AMP to the PC and establish a connection, the MyGateway section still does not appear on the website. What could be the problem?
Can I reset my amp to the original presets?
I use the CODE 100 H. My question would be the following: I have configured some settings within a preset to play a song, but when it comes to the guitar solo, how can I increase the volume for the solo? And how can I reduce the volume after the solo? Do I need an external booster pedal? Do I have to have two different presets for the same song in order to have a separate volume for the solo? I hope you understand my question. I don't know how to increase the volume when I'm playing a song with a preset within the bank, when the guitar solo comes in. Do I need to configure two different banks, two different presets, or can I do it within the same preset? I hope you can help me. Thank you very much.
Has anyone uploaded any Geordie Walker / Killing Joke tones ?
my marshall code 100 wont go off headphone mode. ive tried resetting the amp multiple times but its still on headphone mode and is glitching. the amp playes fine with the headphones in but then i remove them it starts to glitch.
how can i fix this.
There is a looper preset on my code 100 head and, I want to know how to use it so I can solo.
I tried to use it but when I start to solo along with the chord progression it starts playing my solo as well
it is preset number 16