Hi there
I recently bought a code 25 and am inlove with the amp. One problem your app does not work on IOS. I have not tested it on android devices as I don't own any Android devices.
The app opens and everything but the sign in procedure does not work
Please fix your app!!
bonjour je me présente christopher , je viens d'acheter un marshall code 50 et je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un peux m'aider car je veux enregistrer le son de mon ampli pour pouvoir mettre mes enregistrements sur une clé usb par la suite et écouter si quelqu'un peux m'aider ce serais cool merci(christopher)
Directly, I want to enter a numerial parameter, for example using key pad windows on Gateway application, when I setup some parameter. How can I do?
Dear Marshall team,
I got my new Marshall code 25 but had to recognize that i am not able to connect with the gateway app. I am connected with the amp, but i do not see the connection sign on the left on the app. It is also not requested to enter a code or number while connecting with the amp. The key is also always different when i am trying to connect again with the bluetooth. I am kind of desperately because I was really excited about my new amp :(
What can I do to connect with the app? I tried everything that was already suggested in the other comments. Please help me :/
Greetings from Germany,
Hi All,
So I’ve been using a Marshall 1987X for a year now. About 2 months into use I removed the bright cap to reduce the hiss, feedback and aggression I was getting off the bright channel.
I keep channels bridged and am getting a good loud classic bluesy tone from the amp that I definitely dig!
I want to have something to boost it with just ever so gently to get more sustain, a tiny amount of compression and a hair more presence from the sound.
What pedal fits the bill? I want to keep away from overdrives and silicon chip based pedals
My MA 50C has an internal speaker that is at 16 ohms and the amp is wired for 8 ohms max. I have a 2x12 cab that is at 8 ohms that I can plug in - BUT (and this is the question): Can I leave the Internal speaker plugged into the amp (again, at 16 ohms) and STILL plug in my 2x12 cab (8 ohms) without doing damage or do I have to unplug the internal speaker before I plug the 2x12 in? By my math (and this is always very questionable), it should be able to handle it because it will not make the amp go lower than the 8 minimum to get the full 50 watts. I need another set of eyes/brain to confirm/refute. Thank you in advance!!!
How far can you turn this up wihtout blowing it up!? Code 50
Ive got a main Heavy Metal Tone I use all the time. The volume in the preset is set to 1.8. I have it that low so it doesnt blow my Clean sound away when I click between the two.
I was playing with a drummer the other day and I had the master volume up to maybe close to half and I was worried I was going to blow the speaker.
So How far up is safe?
I have a DSL100H, and would like to replace the footswitch with one that has LED's so I can tell what setting I am on with my back to the amp. Can I use a standard externally powered 2 button switch with a TRS cable?
I just did a update to the Code 50 and it still has different presets than the newer 100 ? Preset #9 on the 100 is called Classic Metal and on the 50 its called American 60's. this makes me wonder if it truly took the update???
I have a nextbook tablet without bluetooth and i would like to know if the gateway app will also work with a USB connection? I do not have a cell phone to use with bluetooth.
Please can you (Marshall) tell me if the speaker in the CODE50 is a FRFR ("Full Range Flat Response") speaker???
Or is it an actual guitar cab. speaker (that may have been specifically voiced for the CODE50)???
Of course anybody else's comments would be appreciated.
how can I show you 2 videos of the new and old code 100h head that show a strange sound coming from one but not the other
these videos were taken minutes apart and tested a few times
it sounds like a tiny fire alarm is going off with volume pushed to max and all other settings either in a preset or all down
I have a marshall dsl 100 head,I have a problem of no sound, the power supply is working fine,all valve tubes are working as well ,so I'm wondering what is the problem.
I have all my Rammstein Albums ripped straight from the cds and I cant play them back? the app keeps telling me it is crashing as soon as I hit the ok for the amp to play it back. this is my second code 100h that actually ahs working bluetooth. thankfully I was given a replacement but I now suffer from this condition. I cannot play my own owned music and mp3 files from Fl studio to my amp. I buy a 100 watt head and cant annoy my neighbors???
I cannot know some menu. for example, how touse a small icon that is described tablet mark and amp mark.
I want to know detail of Gateway Application.
How can I get the detail manual about application on tabet?
My CODE 50 will not connect to any of my devices. The bluetooth on this CODE is not working. This CODE 50 is proving to be a bad purchase.
Surely there's something that can be done?